Top 10 Search Queries In 2011

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Hitwise: “Facebook” Was 4 Of Top 10 Search Queries In 2011

Hitwiseannounced the top search terms of 2011. The company looked at the top 1,000 search queries of 2011 and found that Facebook topped the list for the third year in a row.
Overall Facebook had four of the top 10 search terms for 2011, the same as in 2010. However query volume for the collection of Facebook terms grew 33 percent vs. last year.
Top search queries of 2010 and 2011
What’s noteworthy is that all of the top 10 are navigational queries. Beyond the top 10, Hitwise said that “social networking-related terms dominated the results, accounting for 4.18 percent of the top 50 searches. This is an increase of 12 percent compared with 2010.”
According to Hitwise, the top 10 websites visited in the US were the following:
  1. Facebook
  2. Google
  3. Youtube
  5. Yahoo
  6. Bing
  8. Gmail
The biggest “mover” among the top 10 queries and websites was Myspace, which exited in accordance with its precipitous decline in traffic. There’s more analysis of the year’s top search queries by category in the Hitwise blog post.
Curiously, Facebook doesn’t appear on any of the “top lists” issued by Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask or AOL (see below). With Google’s list, at least, it’s based on “rising” queries rather than those most popular overall.

About The Author:  is a Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land. He writes a personal blog Screenwerk, about SoLoMo issues and connecting the dots between online and offline. He also posts at Internet2Go, which is focused on the mobile Internet. Follow him@gsterling

Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Eventually, we’ll all stop talking about responsive web design – not because it will go away, but because it will become what’s expected. Flashback ten years ago and we were all talking about CSS and tableless design, but today there’s no need to mention it. It’s simply the way modern websites are built, although sadly, I’m sure there’s a few out there still using tables.

Nevertheless, the concept of responsive web design is still relatively new. So it’s our job to help you learn about it and to help you find the stuff that makes building responsive sites easier. For this post we’ve gathered a collection of Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks.

Mobile Boilerplate

Mobile Boilerplate is your trusted template made custom for creating rich and performant mobile web apps. You get cross-browser consistency among A-grade smartphones, and fallback support for legacy Blackberry, Symbian, and IE Mobile.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks


Skeleton is a small collection of CSS & JS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17″ laptop screen or an iPhone.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries

These hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries are empty placeholders for targeting the devices and attributes I’m interesting in making responsive designs for right now.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

tiny fluid grid

The happy & awesome way to build fluid grid based websites.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks


A CSS framework for rapid interactive prototyping.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

Less Framework

Less Framework is a CSS grid system for designing adaptive web­sites. It contains 4 layouts and 3 sets of typography presets, all based on a single grid.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

CSS Grid

The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks


inuit.css is built to work on smaller screens (such as tablets) and tiny screens (such as phones) straight out of the box with minimal effort.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks


A cross-browser CSS grid framework that doesn’t hide pixels in margins!
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

Fluid Grid

A web grid system designed by Joseph Silvashy and New Gold Leaf that allows designers to use the screen real estate on large monitors and retain great design on smaller ones.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

320 and Up

‘320 and Up’ prevents mobile devices from downloading desktop assets by using a tiny screen’s stylesheet as its starting point.
Responsive Web Design Templates and Frameworks

Merry Christmas 2011

Friday, 23 December 2011

Dot Technologies would like to wish all our Clients, Business Partners and Associates a Very Merry Christmas.

Snowmen Dancing

We would also like to take this opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU for the business to Our Customers, and we look forward to continuing our business relationships for many years to come.

Happy Christmas Everyone

Snow Falling

Why Google needs Firefox now more than ever - DotTechnologies

Thursday, 22 December 2011

If you thought that Google was going to stick a lump of coal in Firefox's stocking this holiday season, you weren't alone.
Although rumors of Firefox's imminent demise were premature at best -- and self-serving for more than a few -- the Mozilla Blog now brings happy news that "we have negotiated a significant and mutually beneficial revenue agreement with Google. This new agreement extends our long term search relationship with Google for at least three additional years."

Mozilla will continue to feature Google as the default search engine in Firefox, and Google will pay Mozilla an undisclosed amount in exchange for that placement. Definition of the term "significant" remains nebulous, but in 2008 Google provided 88 percent of Mozilla's revenue; in 2009 it was 86 percent; and in 2010 Google kicked in 84 percent, or about $103 million (PDF).

Firefox has long been dependent on Google's financial support. Many people don't seem to realize -- or accept the fact -- that it works the other way too: Google needs Firefox. Google's maintaining pressure on Microsoft, both in the browser market and in the search market, by keeping Firefox alive and kicking. If Firefox only had a tiny percentage of the browser market, its demise wouldn't make much difference. But right now Firefox is an equal partner with Google in a very effective squeeze play, aimed at IE.

The money's in search, not the browser. Google's enlisting Firefox to squeeze the browser market specifically to minimize Microsoft's ability to ship Bing with every copy of IE. Internet Explorer's market share continues to drift down to the 50 percent mark. Bing and Yahoo's combined U.S. search market share has hovered around 30 percent all year; Microsoft pouring billions of dollars into Bing hasn't made any noticeable difference. Google needs Firefox to keep those trends going.

Nobody knows that better than Firefox. This funding announcement sheds light on Mozilla's roundly criticized release just two months ago of "Firefox with Bing," a version of Firefox jury-rigged with Microsoft's Bing as the default search engine (both in the search box and in the address bar) and Bing as the default home page. Longtime Firefox developers, faced with an apparently unholy alliance of epic proportions, bellowed and stormed and even threatened to quit. Now it appears as if Mozilla created the changeling to show that, in fact, it could swap alliances without self-immolating. No doubt that demonstration had an effect on the negotiations with Google.

There's speculation in the computer press that Google and Microsoft were actively involved in a bidding war over Firefox's affections, if not affiliations. I haven't seen or heard any evidence to support the existence of a battle, but the "Firefox with Bing" exercise certainly points toward the possibility. If there was some discussion with the folks in Redmond, it looks like Microsoft wasn't interested -- or wasn't interested enough. That's understandable. With Yahoo's future uncertain -- Microsoft, Silver Lake Partners, and Andreesen Horowitz are still rumored to be in the running to buy a minor stake -- perhaps Microsoft is waiting to see if its search agreement with Yahoo will survive a takeover, breakup, or restructuring of Yahoo. Bing could end up being a very expensive orphan.

The bottom line for those of us who use Firefox: The future looks better now than it has in many months. Chrome may eclipse Firefox in market share, but there's still a lot of life left in the fox -- and plenty of reasons, measured in search-sourced greenbacks, for Google to continue to support it.

This story, "Why Google needs Firefox now more than ever," was originally published at Get the first word on what the important tech news really means with the InfoWorld Tech Watch blog. For the latest developments in business technology news, follow on Twitter.

Apache forges ahead with suite - DotTechnologies

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Developer release planned; open source organization asserts trademark protection
In its new role as steward of the open source office suite, the Apache Software Foundation expects to offer an Apache-branded version of the package for developers in 2012. Apache also is carefully guarding its trademarks.

Apache on Tuesday is releasing a statement about its OpenOffice efforts, entitled "Open Letter to the Open Document Format Ecosystem," which notes the planned 3.4 release, tentatively slated for early 2012. Adobe has just about completed with code clearance stage of the effort, said Don Harbison of the Apache OpenOffice project management committee in an interview.

[ Apache in October announced that had become an Apache "Podling" project, which is the first step toward becoming an official Apache project. | Subscribe to InfoWorld's Developer World newsletter for more insights on software development. ]

Built for testing and debugging, version 3.4 is not intended to be a feature release but is geared to comply with Apache IP clearance policies. New end-user releases of eventually will follow. Improvements are eyed in areas such as digital signatures and metadata, with the suite adopting technologies from the OASIS ODF 1.2 specification. ODF is leveraged by

The "permissive" Apache License 2.0 reduces restrictions on use of Apache code and enables a diverse contributor and user base, Apache said. "Our license and open development model is widely recognized as one of the best ways to ensure open standards, such as ODF, gain traction and adoption," Apache said. code was donated to Apache by Oracle in June, but not before a forking of the project, LibreOffice, a result of uneasiness over Oracle's plans for the suite, acquired when Oracle bought Sun Microsystems in 2010.

Apache participants are free to set their own boundaries in collaboration, the organization said: "However, they are not free to use our trademarks in confusing ways. This includes and all related marks. To ensure that the use of Apache marks will not lead to confusion about our projects, we must control their use in association with software and related services provided by others. Our trademark policy is clearly laid out at"

Anyone wishing to use the Apache brand can have their efforts reviewed by Apache trademarks persons, said Harbison. "One concern we've had is making sure the brand itself is respected."

Apache in its statement is asserting its trademark ownership, an analyst said. "This statement from Apache is essentially a public reminder that while the code itself is permissively licensed and thus re-combinable with other assets, the associated trademarks are not," analyst Stephen O'Grady of RedMonk said. He also cited difficulties resulting from the forked codebases. "[When] two codebases spring from the same roots and yet are competing for the same users and asymmetrically licensed, there is bound to be friction over contributions, usage and more. Efforts to bridge the two projects have not been successful."

A representative of the Document Foundation, which oversees LibreOffice, noted his organization is free to use code. "It is then natural that the Apache OpenOffice code has the special intention from our developers and everything Apache OpenOffice releases that is of our interest will be considered for cherry-picking for integration in LibreOffice," said Oliver Hallot, of the Document Foundation board. But LibreOffice is ahead of, which may make it harder to include Apache code, he said. features six personal productivity applications: a word processor with a Web-authoring component, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and a database. It is offered on Windows, Solaris, Linux, and Macintosh operation systems

This article, "Apache forges ahead with suite," was originally published at

An SEO Playbook For 2012

Monday, 19 December 2011

"All Things SEO Sponsored by Covario"
2012 SEO PlaybookSearch Engine Optimization is growing up. I am not ready to say the Wild West SEO days are completely eradicated, but in 2011 good search engine optimization is less about trickery and more about engaging content and audience development than ever before.
Over the years, quality optimizers have become more prone to avoid technical tricks like using CSS image replacement to inject keyword text or controlling the flow of PageRank by hiding links from search engines.
Search engines keep getting better at crawling and indexing. If you are unwilling to burn your website or risk your career, you follow the search engines’ terms of service.
During 2011 the conservative attitude toward code crossed chasm to apply to content. For years, websites churned-out poorly written, generic articles in the name of long-tail keyword optimization. It worked so well some people turned crappy content into startups.
Now, thanks to Panda, Google’s site-wide penalty for having too much low quality content, people are asking why anyone would put pages on a website that no one wants to read, share or link to? Without taking potshots at the past, most of those articles look juvenile and antiquated.
Made in Japan went from signifying cheap to marvelous. Made for the Web is growing-up too. It is this evolution which guides my SEO highlights for 2012. I separate things to keep in mind by code, design and content.

Code – Keep It Simple

While Google likes to tell us they are very good at crawling and understanding imperfect code, I prefer to assume search engines are dumb and help them every way I can. Simple code is honest code. It’s also easy to parse and analyze. Just because you can AJAX-up a page with accordions and fly-outs does not mean you should. The more code on a page, the more things that can go wrong from spider access to browser compatibility.
Follow standards and get as close to validated markup as reasonably possible. Make it easy for search engines to spider your site. Validating HTML and CSS does not automagically raise your rankings, but it will prevent crawl errors.
At the same time, don’t insist on validation since some perfectly good code will never validate. Follow search engine recommendations to Make AJAXXML  and Other Code Crawl able.
Make your CSS class and ID names obvious, especially for section div tags. Again, Google tells us they have gotten good at identifying headers, sidebars and footers. Part of that is almost assuredly knowing the most common div names.
  • Make it easy on Google and Bing by naming your header div header.
  • Name the CSS ID of your right sidebar div right-sidebar.
Why would you name a CSS Class xbr_001 when you can name it navigation? At the very least, it will make life a lot easier on your SEO team. They have enough work without the need to translate ambiguous naming structures.
Reserve h# tags for outlining principal content. I am amazed at the number of big brand websites that still use h# tags for font design. Tell your designers that h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 are off-limits and reserved for content writers and editors.
The only exception to this should be if your content management system uses h1 tags to create a proper headline. Embargo h# tags out of your headers, navigation, sidebars and footers too. They don’t belong there.

Web Design – Less Navigation Is More

Look at the Zen like efficiency of any Apple product. Steve Jobs was ruthless about eliminating the unnecessary and achieving clean Bauhaus efficiency.
By contrast, too many websites, especially enterprise sites, try to be all things to all people. Their administrators or managers fear they might miss out on a conversion for lack of a link.
Websites should have clean vertical internal linking. Every page should not link to every page. You do not need a site-wide menu three levels deep. As long as people feel that they are progressing toward their goal or the useful information they seek, they will click on two, three or four links to get there.
Look at your website analytics. Which pages receive the fewest visits? Are any in your navigation? If no one uses a link, why does it to be there?
A website’s most widely visited pages tend to be close to the homepage. Review your categories and sub-categories. Can you eliminate whole categories by merging or reassigning content? For example, does the management team need its own category or can you move it into the About section?
This is not just about eliminating distraction. It is a way to increase the internal flow of authority (PageRank, link juice, etc.) to SEO hub pages.

Content – Engagement & Agility

Emphasize Community and Conversation. If your business depends on the Internet and you have the budget to hire one more person, consider employing a community evangelist. High rankings require authority. Authority comes from off-site links and, to an extent, brand mentions.
Earning enough links to make a dent in your SEO requires a continuous stream of link worthy content combined with forging and fostering relationships with people who create links or influence lots of others through online conversation. This requires a large commitment of time to work with writers and designers and to network. Even when decentralized, this rarely works without a strong empowered leader.
Get out of the sales funnel. The people you want to buy your products or services are not going to blog about your company or mention it on Twitter. More likely, they are peers.
A good exercise to undertake is ask each employee, if they could pick one professional conference to attend, what would it be? Then look for the session speakers on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Find which ones are active online and gauge their influence. Are people in your company qualified to write authoritatively about these topics or speak at conferences?
This is how to find content topics for the post-Panda Web, things people want to converse about and link to. For example, if you have a cutting-edge API team, an API development blog could be the key to higher domain authority.
Understand Social Technographics. It will help you to find influencers and create content that people will want to link to and talk about.
Social Technographics

Embrace Agility
Realign your content generation and approval process so you can create near-daily web content and, if necessary, respond publically to something within an hour.
With Query Deserves Freshness, trending topics, news search  and simply because of how social media conversations come and go, agility is important for getting noticed and getting links.
Update Your Content
If your website has older articles that read like Wikipedia or a hardcover World Book Encyclopedia, swap out old content for new. In the future, Panda will not get leaner, it will get meaner. If you have reason to worry, start fixing it now. Do not wait and hope Panda will not see your low quality content. I want to be very clear here:
  • If you have decent quality content that provides real value, keep it whether it is SEO optimized or not. Yes, get to work optimizing older content doing things like selecting hub pages, optimizing text and cross-linking. But do not delete your old content.
  • If you have content that seems overtly advertorial, is cheesy or reads robotic because it is so stuffed with keywords, begin the process of writing one-for-one replacements and update your old content over time. For the old-time SEOs out there, this brings new meaning to a page a day.
  • If you have been hit by Panda already, I suggest removing your poor quality content, set-up 301 redirects to salvage the link authority, then begin rebuilding with high quality, link worthy content. Panda is a site-wide penalty. It is not going to go away until the offending content is removed or replaced.
Those are my 2012 SEO playbook highlights. In the past, content creation and link building were too separated. We had writers covering every long-tail key phrase possible while, in another room, link ninjas emailed and telephoned soliciting for individual links.
That model is becoming less and less sustainable. The Web is too big. Too many people contribute content. Social media offers an entirely new world of context. Today, SEO means finding an audience you can connect with, become a part of the community, give them insanely awesome content and reciprocate. This is the new SEO arms race.
About The Author:  is a SEO & Social Media Strategist at Portent Interactive an Internet marketing company where he works with AdAge, Attachmate, Lucky Brand and other top companies. He is also a partner in Looney Maiden Jewelry and can be found on Facebook and Twitter as @TomSchmitz

Web Design Trends in 2012

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Practicing Perfectionism as a Web and Graphic Designer

The idea of artistic perfectionism lies in a duality. Most web designers try to perfect their work with creative updates and patches. Not only to code, but also in Photoshop mockups and Illustrator vectors as well. There is a limit to this perfectionism mindset where you can take things too far overboard.
I’m hoping to look a bit deeper into this topic as to what defines perfectionism. What are some of the key benefits to being a perfectionist, especially with digital artistic works? The Internet has grown dramatically and connects into billions of peoples lives. Thus you can see why designers are often combing their work 5 or 6 times!

Levels of Attention

The basic definition of a perfectionist is somebody who requires all work to attain 100% perfect status in completion. Or in other words any completed product below attaining perfection would be deemed unacceptable. Granted, the design profession is often very subjective. How some may define “Good” or “Perfect” design properties can shift from person to person.
Readers focus and attention

If you are somebody who pays careful attention to pixel-perfect layouts in Photoshop, kudos! You are one of the few designers out there who care enough in perfection to create the best possible products. This brings a type of joy and pleasure into your life seeing ideas come to fruition through your own hard work.
But there is another light to perfectionism which can reduce productivity dramatically. When you look over a project and it seems nothing is close to finished. You may not even bother getting started with work because it seems like the to-do list is never ending. Becoming neurotic about your work is a very dark realm where minute updates don’t appear to be very impactful.

Develop Personal Guidelines

Focusing a lot of energy into the neurotic detail-oriented mentality takes you away from the ultimate goal. After a certain amount of time nothing will please you anymore. It will be almost impossible to get anything done!
The lone writer desk

You must develop a set of personal standards and guidelines for your work. There isn’t truly a specific point where your design work is completed. Perfectionists are creating these ideas in their mind. So if that’s the case you should consciously become aware of your own stresses. Often you’ll find your work is just fine – so stop giving yourself a hard time!

Keep Neat and Organized

If you are going to become a practicing perfectionist you should start in the real world. If your desk and work area are cluttered with nonsense you’ll never be able to keep a good focus. Spend a bit of time cleaning up around your work area if need be. For those who keep to-do lists and calendars in a digital program it may help to re-organize your tasks in a friendlier manner as well.
Solid focus is the name of the game. If you are ever to get anything done you’ll need to focus at only one point in the process at a time. Having yourself organized and cleaned up is almost essential to keeping a healthy focus on your work. It’s absolutely okay to perfect your ideas and spend more time on projects. But if it seems weeks are passing with no improvement you should consider logging each of your daily tasks to protect against lost time.
Baking sugar oat nut cookies

As perfectionists we tend to get caught up in mental ruts. These are glitches in our schedules where we obsess over one or two small-detailed items. This behavior is certainly fine when you’re meant to be focusing on smaller areas. But if a couple days pass by and you’re re-building a draft for the 4th time, this could mean you’re in for some trouble.

Continue to Push Your Knowledge

Digital professionals are known for also getting caught up in their own minds. After studying web design or graphics design for 3-4 years, you may be of the opinion that you know it all. But always keep yourself learning new things!
School Computer rows for learning

Especially with Internet technology the passing days bring about vast changes. And it seems we are seeing more of these changes in fewer lengths of time. If you continue to challenge yourself with difficult and new materials it’ll keep you on the ball with upcoming technologies. You’ll be able to relate with designers easier since you can share ideas and tidbits of information.
Perfectionism comes seeded within holding a drive to be the best. Since there is only one “best” this is slightly unrealistic. But you can always design to the best of your abilities! If you are learning new techniques and happy with the designs you create don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. You’re choosing to improve your own wisdom and understanding of the digital world which can be a phenomenal experience.

Remove Yourself from Duality

Accomplishments are never felt as strongly through other people. This duality of trying to please others with our design work can become very tiring! You should realize early on that designing for a career is rewarding in and of itself.
alternating yin/yang piano keys

Having any type of audience to look over and appreciate your works should feel remarkable. And to create and launch your own webpages in this era is nothing short of magical. Instead of focusing on the perfect layout or gradient color try directing your attention to the final product. With enough practice you can train yourself to finish a task much quicker with less draining energies. Then afterwards take a step back to clean up details and purify the design to your own liking.
Without the duality of good and bad design you’re simply left with trends. Different styles and unique patterns which can be seen in the vast quantities of website work. Really creative designers are on the cutting edge of these new trends for web and mobile design. Keeping yourself in-the-know and less distracted by smaller details will give you a much better chance of achieving happiness as an illustrator or web designer.


To be a perfectionist in your work is not a bad thing! It means you truly love what you’re doing and want others to love your work, too. But when you become obsessive over designing it seems project work stalls and nothing can get done.
Hopefully these tips can settle well with all digital/graphics designers. It is a tough profession with a lot of heavy competition. But never force anything into your work. By letting creative energies flow naturally you’ll feel a sense of invigoration and freedom from the abnormal neurotic standpoint. Let us know your thoughts or tricks when it comes to perfectionism in web design using the discussion area below.