Santorum & Google’s Search Quality Czar Matt Cutts Makes The Colbert Report

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The search industry is getting a little more mainstream recognition every day, as tonight’s episode of The Colbert Report picked on Google’s handling of the Spreading Santorum situation.
This time the target was software engineer Matt Cutts, long known to search industry insiders as head of Google’s Web Spam and search quality team, he doesn’t often get the same national media spotlight as Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin or Larry Page.
But as the man responsible for weeding out poor quality content from Google results, Cutts made the late night news desk.
First notified of his Comedy Central debut on Twitter by@LornaHarris (Danny Sullivan’s better half, btw), Cuttsapparently didn’t have any prior indication that Colbert’s team of writers would go so far into investigating the history of Rick Santorum’s “Google Problem”.
In his usual brand of snarky political commentary in “the Word” segment, Stephen Colbert mentioned Matt Cutts (at in the video below) as he cut into Google over this week’s anti-trust Senate hearings and raised potential free speech issues around changing search results.
Cutts is mentioned at 2:45 in the clip below:
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Colbert cited a blog comment made by Cutts back in December 2010, on John Battelle’s blog:
The quote reads:
“our web search results are protected speech in the First Amendment sense”
Of course, Colbert mocked the statement with a jab about how the founding fathers surely thought ahead to protect Web documents as free speech:
We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of hacked Scarlett Johansson nude pics.
Congratulations Mr. Cutts, you’ve made the big time now! (Maybe next time you’re in New York, you’ll have an easier time getting those tickets you wanted to the Colbert show.)

Happy Birthday Google! Today, Google turned 13 years old, the day a boy becomes a man, at least in Judaism. To celebrate the important birthday, Google has a special logo with a cake, birthday hats, and looking like an old fashion child’s birthday party setting.
Historically, there was some confusion as to when Google was born. Was it September 14th of the 27th? For years now, Google has settled on it being the 27th. Here is a look back at some of Google’s birthday logos:
Google’s 12th birthday logo:
Google’s 11th birthday logo:
Google’s 10th birthday logo:
Google’s 9th birthday logo:
Google’s 8th birthday logo:
Google’s 7th Birthday logo:
Google’s 6th Birthday logo:
Google’s 5th Birthday logo:
Google’s 4th Birthday logo:

Google Updates - Google’s New Video Search Ads

Monday, 26 September 2011

Among the latest developments that are occurring at Google, a new ‘Media Ads’ format for video ads on is also being planned. Google is soon to launch new video search ads in a hope to increase the user experience of its search engine. Through this new feature, the ads on Google search will be shown as small thumbnails with a play button. Upon clicking the thumbnail, the video ad will expand into a larger player to cover the entire Google search page.

Video is cool!

While this may not be something entirely new, for it is just an extension to Google’s existing ad products, however, this is certainly something different when it comes to media searching on Google. This new extension will certainly help Google to approach media companies promoting new movies, TV shows, ads, and other media content on the internet and earn huge revenues from them.

An Amazing Feature

With this, users can see a search ad below the search box whenever they type in a related keyword. When this ad is clicked, a player window pops up and shows the clip instead of taking the users to a new site. As a common practice on Google, AdWords ads will be attached to the video player.
As per Google, advertisers won’t need to select keywords to promote an ad, instead whenever a search term is entered Google will automatically detect what is related to the advertisements. The media ads will be displayed below the search box and on top of the search results. The clicks on Media ads will be charged at a flat rate.

One of the most interesting parts of the new Media Ad format is the sleek Lightbox media player.

Whenever an ad is clicked on, the player will expand into a wide screen and dim the remaining aspects of the page. This has been done to make the entire viewing experience of the users more appealing, wherein users’ attention can be directed towards the video.
In its initial phase, the new video search ads feature on Google will show results for the movies. As research indicates that movie title searching is usually meant for viewing movie trailers, therefore, this feature is primarily targeted for the movies. However, Google has plans to add other video-centric segments over time too.
Goggle unveiled the new video search ads feature at the Search Engine Strategies Conference last month. According to Google, 10% of all its current ads feature the new ads format.

SEO | SEM | SMO | SMM | Techniques in India - Dot Technologies

Thursday, 8 September 2011

SEO- Search engine optimization utilizes numerous practices to increase traffic to a particular website or page.  However, the best approaches to this are holistic in that they not only increase website traffic; they also increase the quality of that traffic.  Quality website traffic is traffic that converts- meaning customers that actually make a purchase, engage a service, sign up for a newsletter, provide their email address, or otherwise become a lead or an actual sale.

SEO seeks to gain this increase in quantity and quality of website traffic by strategically creating and placing keyword optimized content in locations that will generate publicity through organic search results.  Organic search results consist of the information returned after a consumer has entered a search term in a search engine such as Yahoo, Bing, or Google.  These results are driven by the SEO web content that you post on the internet.  Search engine "bots" or "spiders" will index the information on your pages and use that to determine where you will show up when a customer searches for terms related to your business.

SEM- Search engine marketing is online marketing for businesses and individuals.  The principal goal of this type of internet marketing is to improve a website's visibility on the search results pages of various search engines.  This is accomplished using a combination of SEO strategies and paid advertising.  SEM efforts can be found on the first page of listings returned after a search.  The results bars across the top and sides of a search engine result page are usually paid advertising or paid inclusion in the listing.  Utilizing SEO in addition to paid advertising allows a business to dominate both the organic and paid results sections of a search engine results page or SERP.

SMO- Social media optimization is a relative newcomer to internet marketing, rising in use in direct correlation to this rise in popularity of social media sites.  SMO consists of creating and managing profiles on social media sites and networks in order to create awareness of a brand or service.  This is done by attracting others to associate with the profile by creating updates, using social bookmarking, and video and picture sharing.

SMM- Social media marketing is similar to SMO, but goes deeper in the level of social interactions by blogging, taking part in online forums or chat rooms, and through paid social advertising and search.  Essentially, SMM takes SMO viral.

It's obvious that SEO and SEM are a related pair, and SMO and SMM are another related pair.  However, utilizing all four of these practices individually actually serves to better your internet marketing strategies overall.  For instance, when an SMM business blog creates links, it helps with an SEO campaign.  Additionally, posting articles as part of an SEO campaign can boost SMO results if social bookmarking is used.  But while all of these marketing techniques might be unique, there is one central difference between the two that can best summarize the goal of all of these acronyms:

SEO and SEM work to attract the attention of the search engines.

SMO and SMM work to attract the attention of people.

When looked at in this manner, it's easy to see that these are two very distinct approaches that must be managed jointly in order to achieve the most success possible with an internet marketing plan that includes SEO, SEM, SMO and SMM.

Birthday Celebration Parties July 2011

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Search Engine Optimization India – Dot Technologies

Friday, 22 July 2011

“India is the largest SEO service provider, thus companies from all around are badly looking for search engine optimization India services that are of good standing”.

The widespread line of work of search engine optimization is at present being dominated by India by means of their immense set of connections of search engine optimization India businesses. Numerous businesses from all around the globe are urgently searching for an effective way to start setting up shop within the universe of the World Wide Web, and the only solution to this all too familiar problem is the invaluable service of search engine optimization. Since India is supposedly the biggest search engine optimization service provider, search engine optimization India businesses are currently making huge deals with big business.

On the other hand, companies have the right to know whether or not the search engine optimization India business they are presently dealing with is from top to bottom reliable and wholly reputable. There have been some compelling horror stories about clients not receiving any sort of search engine optimization services because the companies they struck a deal with were far from trustworthy. As a consequence, businesses are seeking a trouble free way in which they can fully know whether or not the search engine optimization India company they are at this time doing business with is of good stature.

The most effective, cost-efficient way for eager clients to identify in every respect a search engine optimization India business that has a good reputation is to look for a website that offers the listings and contact details for different search engine optimization service companies across the entire World Wide Web. As a rule of thumb, the most popular search engine optimization businesses in India, which are more or less the top ranked entries in these search engine optimization listings websites, are also the most reliable and reputable, as evidenced by the amount of clients they continually and willingly serve.

These search engine optimization listings websites discern for the companies what search engine optimization India business is trustworthy and of good stature and what is dishonest, making it a whole lot less worrisome for companies a little paranoid about the search engine optimization business they are getting into for the long run. There are search engine optimization businesses in India, which are of good standing, and there are some that are not. It is the responsibility of the company to search for a search engine optimization business that is of good repute, and these listings websites provide truly good aid.
