Web Designing Companies in US Recommend Native Apps for Digital Natives

Monday, 17 June 2013

Mobile web is the newest atmospheric layer for a web designing company in US. Expanding W3 to on-hand devices like smart-phones, mobile phones, tablets, etc. is the consumer-centric technology. Do you remember anyone without a mobile phone? It’s difficult to trace, but two in a million can be found so. Mobile web is driven by global consumerism. Web designing companies are just lubricating the technical path for marketers to reach potential customers personally in their hand. Native application is one of the solutions, which reduces the distance between a seller and a buyer. Here, we brief you a little about it.

Web Designing Company US
What is a Native Application?
Native app is an app that is developed for a specific operating system (android, iOS, windows, & blackberry respectively); it can be downloaded once and can be used online as well as offline. It is similar to a game like angry birds on your mobile device. It remains safe & permanent in the mobile device of user.
Ouch…it pinches pocket, but promising!
Native app is expensive to its counter technology (RWD). But, the performance of a native app is matchless. The quickness promises desired user-experience without any flaw. It can integrate well with the features (camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc.) of the mobile device. From the business point of view: native app development is expensive, but it is worth for creating a never ending impression on customers.
Native App Development in US Market
The trend is high; web designing companies in US support this platform as it promises desired user experience offline as well as offline. The web fashion is meant for businesses that really feel customer is king. Reaching out different technologies with a uniform application developed individually for each one is not cost-effective but consumer-effective. There is not even one web designing company in US that says 'no' to native app just because it is costly. The companies are bringing cost-effectiveness in development process using phone-gap and other such platforms.
To understand the digital native-buyer, even a marketer has to become the digital native. And, native app is like a satellite that can land you there. But, land safely with the best web designing company in US that has technical expertise like HTML 5, CSS 3, javascript, jquery, twitter bootstarp, boilerplate, 12 & 16 column grid structure, media queries, modal, alert, button groups, dropdowns, badges, navbar, tooltips, labels, progressbar, typeahead, thumbnails, popovers, accordion, js plugins, etc. Contact us to know more about native apps.