What should be a marketer’s choice: SEO Services Company or CMO Services Company?

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

SEO Services Company
The 'SEO' technique is getting replaced by CMO (Content Marketing Optimization) gradually. The present scenario is a transition period wherein most of the marketers are in a fix between SEO & CMO. Would it be fruitful to hire SEO Services Company or the latter? The confusion seems to be a question for the success of a business.
Let’s first analyze the race between search engine optimization & content marketing optimization and the guiding rules. High rank is the goal  for which a marketer would be rewarded only if a user dopamines and indulges in the desired action. In other words: on achieving the goal-high rank, a business would be rewarded with the trophy of high conversions. Prior to jumping into the discussion, I want to clear that we may find the competition or race as a contradiction in the end.
Considering the two possibilities of race:
Case I – CMO beats SEO
What if content is super, but the rank doesn’t exist. Who will read the rich customer-centric content? The direct consequence: no viewers no business.
Case II – SEO beats CMO
What if a website ranks no.1, but the content is irrelevant. Sorry to write, but such cases no more exist because Google ranks only those websites that have content.
High rank is achieved through SEO using onsite & offsite techniques. Directory submissions & search engine submissions are significant to alert spiders about the existence of website. What is a website? It is a content piece. That means we are spreading the word for content under the title of a website, which is called nothing but content marketing. Link building is also meant for the same purpose. A website wants two types of viewers: spiders and users. Therefore, mainly content has to be optimized for these two bodies. Whether it is high rank or conversions, content plays the most significant role.
  • High Rank through Content: A SEO Services Company needs to focus on content because search engines love to chew the crispy content to make a website as its favorite flavor to share it with others.
  • Customers through Content: After satisfying search engines, marketer needs to throw ball to the user’s court and make sure he catches. If user misses the punch in content, marketer is going to lose a potential customer. Pitching the customer through the content of his level would increase the chances of conversions. And, one more point if users won’t stay for longer time periods on a website (high bounce rate), then sooner search engines will also drop that website down from SERPs.
As thought above, competition seems to be contradictive to SEO & CMO. I think SEO must be rephrased as content marketing optimization in order to end the confusion because content is guiding the race instead of running it. Marketers must raise their hands for CMO instead of SEO Services Company. And, each SEO Services Company should change its name to CMO Services Company. How many marketers agree to this? Share your thoughts in the comment box.